Speaker Reviews

Sample of Reviews of Dorit Bader Whiteman's Presentations:

"Thank you so much for coming to DC and doing such a really marvelous job of presenting the history of the Teheran children. You are a wonderful speaker.  It is really a fascinating story.  I had read the book when I first got it a couple of years ago, and skimmed it again before you spoke.  I realized after your presentation just how much more there is to tell about that unfortunately unique experience."                                                                     Martin Goldman, Director, Survivor Affairs, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


"Last night's lecture was a sensation! I can't thank you enough for being a key part of this highly informative and totally engaging evening. Please know how very appreciative we are that you graciously agreed to recreate the Salzburg Shanghai presentation in N.Y. The terribly hot weather did nothing to diminish the attendance, or the enthusiasm that greeted your talk. Thank you again."
Carol Kahn Strauss, Executive Director, Leo Baeck Institute, New York

"In our end of conference survey, your speech was clearly a great favorite and was given the highest "satisfaction" level."
Kurt Fuchel, President, Kindertransport Association of North America, New York


"You have rendered our students an invaluable service by dramatically presenting to them and making them understand what really happened." University of Vienna, Austria.

"Dr. Whiteman is a dynamic speaker and her presentation was well organized. All those in attendance appreciate her warmth and enthusiasm as she described the eight month journey of Lonek and the 900 Polish-Jewish children to Hadassah groups because of the role played by Hadassah in saving these children. I would highly recommend Dorit Whiteman as a speaker for any audience that wants to learn more about a unique Holocaust story or survival. No one should miss hearing her."
Barbara K. Fleischer, President, Southern New Jersey Region of Hadassah


"While the evening was one of the coldest nights yet, the turn out for your emotional and stirring words was very gratifying.  All those in attendance appreciated your personal insights to the conditions in Europe before the Holocaust as well as the emotional and psychological effect the war had on the survivors of the Holocaust." Sisterhood, Kew GardensAnshe Sholom Jewish Center

"Your presentation was superb both in content and manner of delivery.  A most successful evening, devoted to an aspect of the Nazi era which has received little attention."  Conference on The Flight to Shanghai

"I want to thank you for your very interesting speech at our conference. Your speech was clearly a great favorite and our audience gave it the highest �satisfaction level." Kindertransport Association of America

"We greatly enjoyed your lecture but of course we were prejudiced as we had attended the one on The Uprooted and expected no less."  Members of the New York City Public Library  


 "I am Harry Levy, one of the people in the audience when you gave such a find presentation at the Holocaust Museum in Washington.  Perhaps you remember that I had a pair of 13 year old girls with main, and I briefly chatted with you after your talk.  Keep up the fine work.  It is important."  Harry Levy


Kindertransport: "Your presentation was superb; both in content and manner of delivery. A record successful evening, devoted to an aspect of the Nazi era which has received little attention."  An attendee.


A review follows this description of "The Betrayal of the Jews" at The Woman's Book Discussion Group in Brookhaven, Mississippi: The Austrian Jews had lived an assimilated life, side by side with the Catholic population until Hitler's invasion of Austria. Dr. Whiteman gives a documentary account of the population's sudden acceptance of anti-Semitism in its most virulent form. A refugee from Austria herself, Dr. Whiteman depicts the experiences of the escapees: the persecution by citizens and officials; the raids and arrests; the efforts to save the children; the dangers and fortuities in escape and resettlement and the lasting emotional consequences of these experiences.  Review: "Since your visit here in Brookhaven, I have read your books The Uprooted and Escape via Siberia and have visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. Both experiences as well as your visit, have certainly made a lasting impressionI do feel that some progress has been made, but not nearly enough. Perhaps your books and the stories you have documented will keep us aware of the awesome responsibility we share to open our hearts and minds to differences and work toward peace and love in our families, our communities and the world.An attendee.


"Dr. Whiteman gave lots of good information about the Holocaust."  "She is a fascinating storyteller with a dynamic personality."  "She had an interesting life and is the type of person who is an honor to meet."  Viewers of the TV program, "Dr. Carol Goldberg and Company"


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