Clients' Comments

Comments from clients about Dr. Dorit Whiteman's help:
For help with difficult times:
"Dearest Dr. Whiteman:
We all have our invisible angels, to watch over us, and there are a few of us who are fortunate enough to have real angels to assist us while we are here on earth. Well, to me you are one of those angels.  I could not have made it through that terrible time without the therapy you offered, nor would I have felt the inner strength at the times that I did, without your guidance and concern. Your encouragement, your reasoning, your observations of my situation of always putting everything into perspective has helped me immensely.  Knowing you are there for me and also because of the unique person you are, is a blessing in my life beyond words. 
I have been blessed with good friends and a therapist whom I think the world of.  I am sure you have helped a lot of people in your lifetime, but know this, the help you have given me will always be directed towards my endurance, my growth, and patients to get through difficult times. Thank you so much."

Marital counseling with a couple who had been on the verge of divorce:  "Thank you so much for all that you have done for us.  Words cannot express our gratitude for all the positive help you have given us.  I believe my wife and I are still together because you believed we still cared for each other.  No words can match or express our thanks."

Therapy following rape: " I haven�t ever forgotten about you.  I am enclosing a photo.  I thought you might enjoy seeing where I am today and knowing you had a great part in it.  My husband is a year into law school.  I am happy with our son and have one more semester left before I receive my second masters degree.  Thanks for everything."

Marriage counseling: "Mike (name changed for privacy) and I are doing well.  The lines of communication between us are open and we are happy.  We spend a lot of quality time together and our life continues to improve.  We thank you for your guidance."

Therapy for depression: "Thank you for your help and support.  You are tops in my book."

Therapy for problems suffered by an elderly couple (son's comments):  "Thanks for all your hard work and caring.  You really make a difference.  All the best."

Therapy for adjusting to widowhood:  "You will probably be very surprised to get this card after so many years.  I often think of you and our talks.  It helped so much!!"

Therapy for sexual abuse (in the words of the 10 year old victimized boy): "Thank you for helping me with my problems.  You are a good problem lady.  I will miss talking to you.  I will call you if I need to talk to you."

Therapy prior to deciding to have artificial insemination:  "Whenever I begin to panic regarding all of the impending changes in my life, I think back to many of the points that you brought up, and the old reassurance returns.  The anxiety has not completely disappeared, but it has diminished.  In general, I am feeling positive about our decision and so does my husband."

Crisis intervention for a woman in shock after a severe accident:  "Thanks for seeing me Monday on an emergency basis.  I felt so energized when I left and so much more optimistic.  I have accomplished more in the last few days than I have in weeks.  You have been an invaluable help to me."

Therapy prior to marriage: "I can�t thank you enough for your thoughts and insights over the last year.  They were so important in helping me reach this special day and continue to be instrumental in preserving and developing the love I share with my wife."

Therapy for painful shyness: "I am planning and booking a trip to Australia in March.  I find it much easier to talk to people these days � in fact, I enjoy it!It�s all your fault!"

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